Saturday, January 21, 2012

TBA reading 1.25

Here's a link to the Venus Project's "Aims and Proposals" section. Check out the website more generally and we can talk a bit about what they seem to be advocating.

Also check out the following podcast. It's nice and short and pretty interesting, and it describes another example of an idealistic-utopian proposal for economic reform: "participatory economics."


  1. I really enjoyed this article. It's a great idea to conserve energy and eliminate a lot of waste. It would cut down on pollution and create an organized system for the city and maybe even the world if it got that far. It has a few complications that could be tweaked such as the one giant super mall in the center. I think it would be better if there were to be more than one mall to provide a some sort of randomness to this almost perfect world.

    1. yea it is a perfect world.....that they tell us almost nothing about except the generic ideal situations. They could have added "world peace" and "will end world hunger" cause those would fit in well with the others(only somewhat of an exageration).

  2. This is an interesting article. I agree with niko that is would be great from a standpoint that it would cut down on pollution and be a very energy efficient city. The city almost seems to good to be true. I believe it would be tough to have these cities actually be successful. I think it would be tough for people to essentially live in a bubble and have no problems. I could definitely be wrong, but I am sure it would be worth a try to find out.

    1. It doesn't really say how we would try it out other than building a trial city with an educational theme park.

  3. They stated three phases. The first two are entirely devoted to propaganda of the project. The third is finally a "plan of action" but it still only states generic outcomes of the project without saying much of anything about how. I see that they want to change money to resources and I can vaguely see how it could happen over time(evolution rather than revolution)but this article doesn't really say how they would go about it or how that change would relate to the other goals.

    Also a common monetary value is important because it works for everyone, no matter who you want to trade with.

    Some of these aims are important but we should do them in the currect society(aims 4,5,6,9,10,11!,12,13,15!).

    And from what I understand about Elitism is that it's what America is about. If you work harder then you become superior. Capiche?

    1. Also I just noticed....Designs by Jacque Fresco,
      not pictures taken by Jacque Fresco.
