To this end, let me share a few different blogs and blog posts that demonstrate the range of possible topics and approaches that this very versatile genre supports. While of course you are always welcome to blog about current events in the worlds of politics, economics, and international relations, you shouldn't feel that you have to blog about these topics. If you do write about them, I ask that you avoid the hot-button issues whenever possible--abortion, gun control, affirmative action, etc.--and that you think beyond the standard political framing of such issues. So, for example, if you are writing about monetary policy, and you find that many people of your ideological persuasion oppose a certain Fed action, instead of adopting the party line, try writing about the reasons why this policy might appeal to people of your ideological persuasion. In other words: scramble the circuits of the standard talking points.
Some models:
Here is an example of a fun post on a very dry topic--typography.
This post is a smart and silly critique of the inanities of popular culture.
Here's an example of a music review of an old album of an old band from my hometown that more or less became The Shins.
Of course, best and worst lists can always be a fun way to do a blog post.
You can go with something light and silly on college life or other close-to-home topics. Hey, it may seem a bit informal, but it actually does a very nice job of closely analyzing the language in the emails, albeit in a goofy way.
And of course, you can always try to elevate the dialogue when it comes to current events.
In addition to blogs like the above, you can also check out these wonderful blogs on more traditional political/economic-y subjects.
Liberal/neoliberal blogs:
Paul Krugman
Brad DeLong
Dean Baker
Libertarian/classical liberal blogs:
Scott Sumner (there's an excellent blogroll in the right hand corner)
Tyler Cowen
Arnold Kling et al. (also has an excellent blogroll to the right)
Will Wilkinson
Bleeding heart libertarians
Cafe Hayek
Conservative/Conservative-friendly blogs:
Reihan Salam
Josh Barro
The American Conservative (My personal favorite conservative publication)
Andrew Sullivan (Actually an apostate who still has a soft spot for the old ways)
Gavin McInness (A silly blogger, but can be fun)
Marxist/Marxist-friendly/Left-leaning blogs:
Ta-Nehisi Coates
Mike Konczal
Doug Henwood
Crooked Timber
Jacobin Magazine
Corey Robin
Max Speak (another good blogroll)
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